Below you can find out the full list of products from this supplier. click on product to get more information.
anti-FAM120B Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30660CP-N
anti-FAM193B (N-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55508CP-N
anti-FAM59A Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30330CP-N
anti-FAM82A1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30332CP-N
anti-FBW1B Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
340€ | AP09238CP-N
anti-FBXL16 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26092CP-N
anti-FBXL20 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30768CP-N
282€ | AP30769CP-N
anti-FBXO32 Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP09904CP-N
anti-FBXO43 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30411CP-N
282€ | AP30412CP-N
340€ | AP09239CP-N
anti-FBXW7 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
369€ | AP05288CP-N
anti-FCHO2 (Center) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55420CP-N
anti-FCHSD1 (C-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55592CP-N
anti-FEM1B Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30325CP-N
anti-FER / TYK3 (incl. pos. control) Antibody, 0,1 mg
674€ | AM00060PU-N
anti-FERMT3 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30481CP-N
anti-FFAR2 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
311€ | AP06989CP-N
369€ | SP4226CP
anti-FFR / ANG2 (C-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55497CP-N
anti-FGF4 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30336CP-N
anti-FHL2 / SLIM3 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
369€ | AP05258CP-N
anti-Fibulin-3 Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP09988CP-N
anti-Fibulin-3 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30337CP-N
anti-FKBP15 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30338CP-N
anti-FKBP8 / FKBP38 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
326€ | AP00313CP-N
anti-FNBP1L Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30925CP-N
282€ | AP30926CP-N
anti-FNIP2 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30345CP-N
282€ | AP30346CP-N
anti-Follicle-stimulating hormone / FSH (beta) Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10075CP-N
anti-Formin-like protein 1 (C-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55523CP-N
anti-FOXD4-like 1 (C-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55669CP-N
anti-FOXH1 / FAST1 (N-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55525CP-N
anti-FOXO1A control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26218CP-N
anti-FOXO3 / FKHRL1 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26176CP-N
anti-FOXO4 / AFX1 / MLLT7 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26177CP-N
282€ | AP26178CP-N
anti-FOXP3 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10074CP-N
anti-FOXP3 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
369€ | AP05296CP-N
anti-FOXRED2 (N-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55633CP-N
anti-Fractalkine / CX3CL1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30263CP-N
anti-FREM1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26224CP-N
anti-FREM2 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26225CP-N
anti-FRMPD1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30347CP-N
anti-FRMPD2 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26197CP-N
anti-FRMPD3 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30348CP-N
anti-FRMPD4 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30349CP-N
anti-FTO Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30350CP-N
anti-FtsZ Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10076CP-N
anti-FXYD7 (N-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55548CP-N
anti-FYN-binding protein Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30019CP-N
282€ | AP30020CP-N
anti-GADD153 / CHOP Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
326€ | AP00161CP-N
anti-GADD45B Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10078CP-N
anti-Galectin-3 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
326€ | AP00262CP-N
anti-GALNT10 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30351CP-N
282€ | AP30352CP-N
anti-GAPDH (Loading Control) Antibody, 0,1 mg
297€ | ACR001PS
anti-GAPDH (Loading Control) Antibody, 0,1 ml
398€ | AM20781PU-N
500€ | AM09367PU-N
anti-GAPDH (Loading Control) Antibody, 0,2 mg
442€ | ACR001P
anti-GAPDH (Loading Control) Antibody, 0,2 ml
558€ | AM20781PU-L
anti-GAPDH (Loading Control) Antibody, 20 Вµg
137€ | ACR001PT
anti-GAPDH (Loading Control) Antibody, 50 Вµl
326€ | AM20781PU-S
384€ | AM09367PU-S
anti-GAPDH Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10096CP-N
anti-GAPDH Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30353CP-N
282€ | AP30354CP-N
anti-GAREML / FAM59B Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30331CP-N
anti-GAS Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30357CP-N
anti-GATA3 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30358CP-N
anti-GCS-alpha-2 / GUCY1A2 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10313CP-N
413€ | AP10314CP-N
anti-GDF1 (N-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55526CP-N
anti-GEMC1 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26154CP-N
anti-GFRA1 / GDNFR-alpha Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30361CP-N
anti-GFRA2 / GDNFR-beta Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30362CP-N
anti-GFRA3 / GDNFR-alpha 3 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30363CP-N
anti-GHDC (N-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55536CP-N
anti-Girdin Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30364CP-N
anti-GLE1 / GLE1L Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30366CP-N
282€ | AP30367CP-N
anti-GLI1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
369€ | AP05303CP-N
anti-GLP2 receptor control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10081CP-N
anti-Glucose-6-phosphatase 2 / G6PC2 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
384€ | AP10077CP-N
anti-GLUT1 / SLC2A1 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10085CP-N
anti-GLUT10 / SLC2A10 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10092CP-N
anti-GLUT12 / SLC2A12 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10093CP-N
anti-GLUT2 / SLC2A2 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10086CP-N
anti-GLUT3 / SLC2A3 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10087CP-N
anti-GLUT5 / SLC2A5 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10089CP-N
anti-GLUT7 / SLC2A7 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10090CP-N
anti-Glutamate receptor 1 / GLUR1 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10082CP-N
anti-Glutamate receptor 1 / GLUR1 Control Peptide Antibody, 25 Вµg
326€ | 24440
anti-Glutamate receptor 2 / GLUR2 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10083CP-N
anti-Glutamate receptor 5 / GLUR5 Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP09862CP-N
anti-Glutamate receptor 5 / GLUR5 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30380CP-N
282€ | AP30381CP-N