Below you can find out the full list of products from this supplier. click on product to get more information.
anti-NKX2-6 (Center) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55628CP-N
anti-NKX2-8 (Center) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55629CP-N
anti-NLRC3 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26257CP-N
anti-NLRC4 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30437CP-N
anti-NLRC5 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26258CP-N
anti-NLRP10 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26266CP-N
anti-NLRP13 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26269CP-N
anti-NLRP14 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26270CP-N
anti-NLRP5 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26262CP-N
anti-NLRP6 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26263CP-N
anti-NLRP7 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26264CP-N
anti-NLRP8 / NALP8 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26265CP-N
anti-NLRX1 / NOD9 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26259CP-N
anti-NOL3 / ARC Control Peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
297€ | PRA15042
anti-NOL3 / ARC Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30607CP-N
282€ | AP30076CP-N
282€ | AP30077CP-N
anti-Normal Human Fibroblasts (Control Lysate) Antibody, 0,1 ml
268€ | AS00005LY-N
anti-NOS1 Control Peptide Antibody, 25 Вµg
326€ | 24337
anti-NOS1 control peptide Antibody, 25 Вµg
326€ | 24447
anti-NOTCH1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
340€ | R1556CP
340€ | R1557CP
anti-NOTCH2 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
340€ | AP09066CP-N
anti-Notum Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30609CP-N
anti-NOXA Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30610CP-N
326€ | AP00312CP-N
anti-NPAS3 / MOP6 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30611CP-N
282€ | AP30612CP-N
anti-NPC1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30613CP-N
anti-NPR3 / ANPRC Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10175CP-N
anti-NPY receptor 1 / NPY1R Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10172CP-N
anti-NPY receptor 2 / NPY2R Control Peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
268€ | P14112
268€ | AP20012CP-N
anti-NPY receptor 2 / NPY2R Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10173CP-N
anti-NPY Receptor 5 / NPY5R Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10174CP-N
anti-NR1H2 + NR1H3 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
326€ | AP00294CP-N
anti-NR1H2 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30523CP-N
anti-NR1H3 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30522CP-N
anti-NRIP1 / NRIP2 / NRIP3 Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10297CP-N
anti-NSA2 / TINP1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30883CP-N
anti-NSF control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
326€ | AP00234CP-N
anti-NSMAF Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
369€ | AP05299CP-N
anti-NSMCE2 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26209CP-N
anti-NSRP1 (C-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55560CP-N
anti-NT5C2 Control Peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
442€ | AP10200CP-N
659€ | AP09948CP-N
anti-NUMB control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26139CP-N
anti-NUMB Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
369€ | AP05298CP-N
anti-NUP107 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30618CP-N
282€ | AP30619CP-N
anti-NUP155 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30620CP-N
anti-NUP160 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26182CP-N
anti-Occludin Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30626CP-N
anti-OCIAD1 / OCIA Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30623CP-N
anti-OCIAD2 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30624CP-N
282€ | AP30625CP-N
anti-OCT3/4 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30685CP-N
326€ | AP00249CP-N
anti-OGFOD1 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26098CP-N
anti-OGFOD2 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26100CP-N
anti-ORAI1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30631CP-N
282€ | AP30632CP-N
anti-ORAI2 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30633CP-N
anti-ORAI3 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30634CP-N
282€ | AP30635CP-N
anti-Orexin-A Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP09866CP-N
anti-ORMDL1 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26142CP-N
anti-OSR2 Control Peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10178CP-N
anti-Osteopontin / SPP1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
340€ | R1565CP
anti-OTUD4 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30636CP-N
anti-OTUD5 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26191CP-N
anti-P2RX1 / P2X1 Control Peptide Antibody, 20 Вµg
268€ | P10112
anti-P2RX2 / P2X2 Control Peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
268€ | P10109
anti-P2RX3 / P2X3 Control Peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
268€ | P10108
anti-P2RY1 / P2Y1 control peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
413€ | AP10179CP-N
anti-P2RY1 / P2Y1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
369€ | SP4481CP
anti-P2RY2 / P2Y2 control peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
413€ | AP10180CP-N
anti-P2RY2 / P2Y2 Control Peptide Antibody, 20 Вµg
268€ | P10139
anti-P2Y13 / P2YR13 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
369€ | SP4265CP
369€ | AP05305CP-N
anti-PAFAH1B1 / LIS1 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30511CP-N
anti-PAK1 control peptide Antibody, 0,25 mg
413€ | AP10192CP-N
anti-PAK2 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30641CP-N
282€ | AP30642CP-N
anti-PAK3 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
326€ | AP00331CP-N
anti-PAK4 (incl. pos. control) Antibody, 0,1 mg
674€ | AM20217PU-N
anti-PAK6 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30644CP-N
anti-PAK7 / PAK5 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30643CP-N
anti-PALB2 control peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
413€ | AP10193CP-N
anti-PALB2 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30645CP-N
anti-PALM3 / Paralemmin-3 (N-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55543CP-N
anti-PANX1 (N-term) Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP55524CP-N
anti-Pappalysin-2 / PAPPA2 control peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP26287CP-N
anti-PAR4 / F2RL3 Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
369€ | SP4632CP
anti-PARL Control Peptide Antibody, 50 Вµg
282€ | AP30647CP-N
anti-Pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR-1) (Positive Control/Quantitation) Antibody, 0,1 ml
340€ | AS10 687S
anti-PAX1 control peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
413€ | AP10195CP-N
anti-PAX3 Control Peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
413€ | AP10196CP-N
anti-PAX4 Control Peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
413€ | AP10197CP-N
anti-PAX5 control peptide Antibody, 0,1 mg
413€ | AP10198CP-N