Below you can find out the full list of products from this supplier. click on product to get more information.
DISH negative control BIO probe
315€ | Q001P.0100
DISH negative control DIG probe
315€ | Q001P.9900
DISH positive control BIO probe
315€ | Q151P.0100
DISH positive control DIG probe
315€ | Q151P.9900
EBV control slides
292€ | Q300C.0000X3
HPV 16 control slides
292€ | Q116C.0000X3
Kappa/Lambda control slides
292€ | Q601C.0000X3
RISH negative control BIO probe
315€ | Q101P.0100
RISH negative control DIG probe
315€ | Q101P.9900
RISH positive control BIO probe
315€ | Q152P.0100
RISH positive control DIG probe
315€ | Q152P.9900