Below you can find out the full list of products from this supplier. click on product to get more information.
Brucella abortus + Internal control
489€ | FR195
cDNA positive control for Influenza H5 CE
144€ | D0046
DNA positive control for Borrelia burgdorferi CE
144€ | D0003
DNA positive control for Leptospira CE
144€ | D0007
DNA positive control for Mycoplasma genitalium CE
144€ | D0035
DNA positive control for Mycoplasma hominis CE
144€ | D0037
DNA positive control for Ureaplasma urealyticum CE
144€ | D0020
Ebola virus + Rift valley virus + yellow fever virus + internal control
671€ | FR182
Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H7N9 virus + Mammal (incl. Human) Internal control
762€ | FR226
Fluhunter: H5N8 Influenza virus + mammal (incl. Human) internal control
580€ | FR249
Fluhunter: Influenza A + MERS + Internal control (Human)
671€ | FR175
Fluhunter: Influenza H6 + H9 + Internal control (human)
762€ | FR179
Human DNA internal control CE
216€ | FR118
Human Molecular marker for hematopoiesis supportive function (single check): β-2 microglobulin (β2-MG) as internal control
216€ | K290
Human Molecular marker for skeletal / moygenic differention (single check): internal control
271€ | K276
Human Multiplex human molecular markers for skeletal / moygenic differention: MyoD, Moygenin, Myosin and internal control
762€ | K273
Human polyoma virus + Human internal control
580€ | FR199
human ß-Actin (internal control)
489€ | K761A
human ß-Actin (internal control): to be bought with any other tumor-marker kit.
307€ | K761B
Human stem cell ectoderm lineage markers (incl. internal control) Multiplex (Neurofilament, Sox-2, Nestin, β-III tubulin)
489€ | K237
762€ | K238
Human stem cell endoderm lineage markers (incl. internal control) Multiplex (AFP, Oct-4, BMP-4, HNF 3-β)
489€ | K241
Human stem cell endoderm lineage markers (incl. internal control) Multiplex and singlex, Double Check (AFP, Oct-4, BMP-4, HNF 3-β)
762€ | K242
Human stem cell mesoderm lineage markers (incl. internal control) Multiplex (Cardiac actin, MEF-2, GATA2, hTERT)
489€ | K239
Human stem cell mesoderm lineage markers (incl. internal control) Multiplex and singlex, Double Check (Cardiac actin, MEF-2, GATA2, hTERT)
762€ | K240
Human stem cell pluripotent markers (incl. internal control) Multiplex (Oct-4, Sox-2, Rex1, NANOG)
489€ | K235
Human stem cell pluripotent markers (incl. internal control) Multiplex and singlex, Double Check (Oct-4, Sox-2, Rex1, NANOG)
762€ | K236
Influenza A, B and C + Internal control
944€ | FR437
mammal DNA - internal control
580€ | FR048
Mammal internal control for RNA based targets viruses
307€ | FR119
Measles + Rubella + Mumps+ Internal control
671€ | FR172
Measles + Rubella+ Internal control
580€ | FR171
MRSA Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus with internal control
398€ | K080A
Multidrug Resistance Klebsiella pneumoniae + Internal control (Human)
671€ | FR184
Mumps + Internal control
489€ | FR173
Mycoplasma pneumoniae - positive PCR control CE
144€ | D0042
Rotavirus A + Mammal (including human) Internal Control
671€ | FR192
Rubella + Internal control
489€ | FR174
Tick-borne encephalitis TBE + internal control for Tick DNA
1217€ | FR096